Adult Curriculum
Green Belt - (Sixth Kyu)
Stances Hand Techniques
Blocking Techniques
Leg Techniques
Footwork Blocks and Punches Weapons
Self-Defense Dropping Techniques Sparring
Stamina |
Leadership and Philosophy
Mind Body Spirit Soul Ki
Shotokan Boxing Judo Aikido Wing Chun Tai Chi Chuan Vovinam
Control area (awareness) Control yourself (fear, anger) Control attackers (strategy) Control the situation Control consequences
All angles All levels All techniques All situations All people
Over yourself Opponent’s respect Third party’s respect Over the situation People’s hearts
Angry Fearful Tense Hurried Waste energy Overconfident Distracted Pre-conceived ideas Discouraged if you lose Afraid of losing
Kata and Applications
Performance speed - Front view
Performance speed - Front view