CTX Martial Arts

After School Program Guidelines, Policies, and Responsibilities

I. Health and Well-being

At CTX Martial Arts, the health and well-being of our students, staff, and families are of utmost importance. We kindly request your cooperation in following these guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone:

II. Covid-19 Precautions

While the current Covid-19 situation is well-controlled, we encourage vigilance and consideration for the safety of our community. Please adhere to the following measures:

  1. Stay Home if Unwell: If you or your child feel unwell or exhibit any symptoms of illness, please stay home and prioritize rest and recovery.
  2. Practice Good Hygiene: Frequent handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is essential. Hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content is recommended when soap and water are not available. Avoid touching your face, especially eyes, nose, and mouth.
  3. Cough and Sneeze Etiquette: Always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow when coughing or sneezing. Properly dispose of used tissues and wash hands immediately afterward.
  4. Mask Usage: While mask usage is not enforced, we respect individual choices to wear masks for added comfort and protection.
  5. Notify Us of Covid-19 Suspicions: If you suspect exposure or experience Covid-19 symptoms, kindly inform us promptly to take necessary precautions.
  6. Stay Informed: Keep updated on local health guidelines and advisories to remain aware of any changes in the Covid-19 situation.

III. Hygiene Policy

Maintaining good personal hygiene is crucial for a positive camp experience. Please ensure your child follows these basic hygiene practices:

  • Regular handwashing
  • Brushing teeth
  • Using deodorant
  • Trimmed nails

IV. Allergy Policy

At CTX Martial Arts, the safety and well-being of our students are of utmost importance. We have students with severe allergies, and we kindly request the cooperation of all participants to ensure a safe environment. To prevent potentially life-threatening situations, we ask that all students avoid bringing any peanut-based products to our facility.

If your child has any allergies, especially food or environmental allergies, inform us promptly. Provide necessary medications (EpiPen, antihistamines, inhalers) along with detailed instructions.

V. Illness and Medication

To prevent the spread of illness, keep your child at home if they are sick or exhibit symptoms. If your child requires medication during camp hours, provide clear instructions and labeled containers to our staff. In case of a medical emergency, we will contact you immediately and ensure appropriate action.

VI. Physical Condition

Participants must certify that they are in good physical condition and free from any injury or condition that could hinder their performance during training and competitions.

VII. Medical Assistance

In case of injury, we seek your permission to provide necessary medical assistance or treatment through doctors, nurses, athletic trainers, or emergency medical personnel.

By adhering to these guidelines, we create a safe and supportive environment for all, enabling each participant to thrive in their martial arts journey. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Personal Electronic Devices

Participants are allowed to bring personal electronic devices such as Game Boys, PSPs, MP3 players, and similar devices to our after-school program. However, please note that the responsibility for these devices lies with the individual student. CTX Martial Arts and its staff will not be liable for any loss or damage to these items. If your child chooses to bring a personal electronic device, please ensure it is clearly labeled with their name.


Sparring is required for students. Students are grouped based on age, gender, and rank for most sessions, with exceptions made for teaching purposes. It is mandatory for all students to wear protective gear, including headgear, face shields, gloves, foot protection, chest protection, and a mouthpiece. Sparring is conducted under light contact supervision only. Male students must wear an athletic supporter and cup. Sparring sessions are held during designated, supervised times, and participants must be prepared and geared up.

Requirements, Policies, and Procedures:

  1. All activities in the After School Program are mandatory for all students unless a doctor’s note excuses them from participation. If a student chooses not to participate without a valid reason, we will not force them. However, they are allowed up to three instances of non-participation. Beyond that, they may be expelled from the program to maintain a positive and engaging environment for all participants.

  2. Students are required to wear their uniform every day. The CTX T-shirt is mandatory. If the T-shirt is lost or forgotten, a replacement will be provided for a $25 fee.
  3. Properly name all student belongings for easy identification.
  4. Two weeks’ fees must be paid in advance at all times, automatically charged one week before the current two weeks expire.
  5. Sparring Gear for Sparring Class should be brought on Thursdays when the student is being picked up, to be used on Friday. Storage is available for $35/month.
  6. Socks are required daily.
  7. Headphones are essential for computer assignments/homework; please bring a pair. If lost, a new pair will be assigned for a $20 fee.
  8. Electronics are allowed only after all activities are finished and the student is waiting to be picked up. CTX Martial Arts and its staff are not responsible for personal electronic devices; please label them with the student’s name.
  9. For the After School Program, the hours are from school end, when we pick your student up, until 5:30 PM. You can pick up the student anytime before 5:30 at no additional cost, and you have 30 minutes of grace from 5:30pm to 6pm to pick up the student with no additional cost, after 6:00 PM late pick up fee is $15 every 15 minutes after 6:00 PM.
  10. Participants are expected to behave respectfully towards staff, instructors, fellow students, and the dojo environment.
  11. Bullying, harassment, or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
  12. The dojo fosters a positive and inclusive atmosphere, respecting diversity and differences.
  13. Disciplinary actions will be taken for consistently disruptive or harmful behavior, ranging from verbal warnings to expulsion from the dojo.
  14. Parents/guardians must support and reinforce the camp’s behavior and discipline policies.
  15. Promptly report any concerns or incidents to the dojo staff for resolution. Adhering to these dojo Requirements, Policies, and Procedures ensures a safe, enjoyable, and enriching experience for all students at CTX Martial Arts

Student Responsibilities

At CTX Martial Arts, we believe in fostering a positive and disciplined learning environment. To ensure the best experience for all our students, we expect them to uphold the following responsibilities:

  1. Preparedness: Students should come to the after-school program fully prepared with their clean uniform and any required items.
  2. No Jewelry: For safety reasons, students should not wear any jewelry during class.
  3. Bring Required Items: Students must remember to bring all necessary items, including their uniform, T-shirts, and any required gear.
  4. Respect for Others: Every student should treat their fellow students, instructors, and staff with respect and courtesy.
  5. No Backtalk: Students must not engage in backtalk or disrespectful behavior towards higher ranks or adult staff members.
  6. Honesty: We value honesty and expect students to be truthful in all their interactions.
  7. Desire to Learn and Grow: Students should maintain a strong desire to learn and improve their martial arts skills.
  8. Set an Example: As leaders in our dojo, students are encouraged to set an example of leadership and pride for others to follow.
  9. Good Sportsmanship: Students should display good sportsmanship at all times, both in class and during competitions.
  10. Positive Attitude: Come to class with a positive attitude and eagerness to learn.
  11. Represent the Dojo: Students are ambassadors of the dojo and should represent themselves, their families, and CTX Martial Arts with dignity and honor.

If you have any questions or concerns about these responsibilities, please feel free to reach out to our staff.

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities

As partners in your child’s martial arts journey, we request parents and guardians to adhere to the following responsibilities to ensure a smooth and enriching experience for your child:

  1. Drop-off and Pick-up: For parents who opt out of our transportation service to the dojo, please drop off your child after they get out of public school. 
  2. Sign-In/Sign-Out: Parents or guardians are required to sign out their child daily at the front office.
  3. Timely Communication: Regular and timely communication with our staff helps us stay informed about any concerns or anticipated absences. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping us updated.
  4. Absence Reporting: In the event of your child’s absence due to illness or any unavoidable reason, please notify us in advance, if possible. You can inform our front desk by calling (786) 442-1185 or sending an email to info@ctxmartialarts.com.
  5. Supportive Role: Be a supportive and informed parent, engaging with your child’s progress and experiences in the after-school program.
  6. Respect the Learning Environment: Parents and guests are strictly prohibited from entering the Main Hall or Workout areas during class or camp sessions.
  7. Avoid Interruption: Please avoid interrupting classes or camps in progress. If you wish to provide feedback or comments to your child, kindly refrain from doing so while they are in class.
  8. Late Pick-Up: Promptly pick up your child at the end of the program to avoid late fees. After 6:00 PM, a late fee of $15 will be charged for every 15 minutes.
  9. Participate in Social Media: Stay connected and get the latest updates by following us on our social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.

We greatly appreciate your commitment to adhering to these responsibilities, as it helps create a supportive and positive environment for all students at CTX Martial Arts.

If there’s another item you’d like to work on, please provide the title, and we’ll continue with the adaptation.

Student Conduct and Discipline

At CTX Martial Arts, we believe in fostering a positive and respectful learning environment for all students. To maintain a safe and productive atmosphere, we expect our students to adhere to the following conduct and discipline guidelines:

  1. Respect for Instructors and Peers: Students are required to show respect to their instructors, fellow students, and all staff members at all times.
  2. Listening and Following Instructions: Students must actively listen to their instructors and follow their instructions during training sessions.
  3. Prohibition of Bullying: Bullying, in any form, will not be tolerated. Students are encouraged to treat each other with kindness and empathy.
  4. Appropriate Language and Behavior: Students should use appropriate language and behavior inside the dojo and during all martial arts activities.
  5. Uniform and Gear: Students are expected to come to class wearing the appropriate uniform and gear as specified by the dojo’s regulations.
  6. Attendance and Punctuality: Regular attendance and punctuality are essential for progress in martial arts training.
  7. No-Contact Outside the Dojo: Students are advised not to engage in any martial arts techniques outside the dojo unless required for self-defense.
  8. No Substance Abuse: The use of drugs or any form of substance abuse is strictly prohibited.
  9. Respect for Dojo Property: Students should take care of dojo property and equipment and report any damages immediately.
  10. Conflict Resolution: In case of conflicts or disagreements, students are encouraged to approach their instructors or staff members for resolution.

Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in disciplinary action, which can include verbal warnings, temporary suspension, or, in extreme cases, termination of enrollment.

Our aim is to create a supportive and respectful community where students can grow both physically and mentally through martial arts training. We appreciate the cooperation of all students and parents in upholding these conduct and discipline standards.

If there are specific rules or guidelines you’d like to add or modify, please let me know, and I’ll make the necessary updates.

Attendance Policy

At CTX Martial Arts, regular attendance is essential for optimal learning and progress in our after-school program. We understand that certain circumstances may lead to absences, and we have established the following guidelines:

Absence Reporting

If your child will be absent from the after-school program on a particular day due to illness or any other unavoidable reason, please notify us in advance, if possible. You can inform our front desk by calling Phone: (786) 442-1185 or sending an email to Email: info@ctxmartialarts.com.

  • Students are allowed a maximum of (3) absences per month. Any additional absences require a written note from the parent or guardian with a valid reason.
  • Acceptable reasons for absences include:
    • Illness or injury of the child or a family member requiring hospitalization or bed rest.
    • Medical or dental appointments.
    • Contagious diseases or parasitic infestations.
    • Funeral or memorial services for a family member.
    • Compliance with a court order (e.g., visitation, subpoena).
    • Participation in special education or related services for the child’s disability.
    • Observance of a religious holiday or service.
    • Family vacation, not to exceed 5 excused absences per program year.

Withdrawal Policy

  • If a student has absences for 5 consecutive instructional days in the after-school program at CTX Martial Arts, it will be considered a withdrawal from the program, and the spot will be given to a new student. Withdrawn students may have the opportunity for re-enrollment if they choose to return, depending on availability in the program.
  • CTX Martial Arts allows one documented 5-day absence during the 180-day instructional period. Parents or guardians must submit documentation in advance, explaining the reason for the 5-day absence. The document should be dated and signed by the child’s legal custodial adult.

Attendance Verification

  • The CTX Martial Arts office staff will request parents or guardians to visit the office at the end of each month to verify their child’s attendance and absences.

Late Pick-Up Policy

  • Promptly pick up your child at the end of the program to avoid late fees. Program ends at 5:30pm, from 5:30pm to 6:00pm there is a grace period to pick up the student, after 6:00 PM, a late fee of $15 will be charged for every 15 minutes.