May 5th, 2017 – Sparring Class – Christian vs Luis

May 5th, 2017 – Sparring Class – Bradley vs Leo

June 23rd, 2017 – Sparring Drills – CTX Martial Arts

A little speech I wrote for my students:

You know, whatever you think of yourselves right now that’s what you will become in the future. I like the phrase “YOUR OBSESSION BECOME YOUR POSSESSION” Do you see yourselves as champions, as being the best at everything you do? so, when I say to you, what are you? you should know the answer, you […]
June 26th, 2017 – Kata Training – CTX Evolution Academy

May 5th, 2017 – Sparring Class – Leo vs Ianmarco

May 5th, 2017 – Sparring Class – Anthony vs Bradley

The Three O’s Principle

Your prime objective should be to achieve the “Way”. To do so, you must fortify the body with endurance, the mind with discipline and wisdom, and the heart with courage and patience. You must liberate yourself from attachments that disturb, confuse and limit your growth in order to attain full and complete freedom. You cannot […]

If you miss a class, let your instructor know before or after so that you can determine what you have missed. Salute (bow to) the head instructor if you arrive late or leave early. Bowing is not for worship or debasement, but is an indication of respect or trust, much like the handshake in Western […]
Code of Moral Conduct and Ethics

Cuong Nhu students should strive to improve themselves and their abilities in the martial arts in order to serve the people. All students should be faithful to the ideals of Cuong Nhu and attempt to spread and develop these beliefs within the younger generation so that they too will be morally and physically fit. All […]