CTX Martial Arts

Fun Camp

Fun Camps and activities for children Great camps for those times without school!

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Fun Camps

Fun Camps and activities for children

No school and nothing to do?Are your kids out of school, but you have to work? Our Fun Camps and activities for children we have the solution!

  • Major Holidays and special occasions
  • Winter Break
  • Spring Break
  • Summer Break
  • Single day camps are also available for teacher planning day

Our Fun Camps and activities for children are well supervised and planned to include age-appropriate groups in both activities and field trips as well. These highly active camps are full of obstacle courses at first, after Nerf Challenges, also engage in dodge ball, and finally you occasional dance-offs as well. We keep our campers both happy and ready to come back.

Martial Arts classes are also included in our fun camp programs, surely making it the best camp ever! The parent’s biggest problem is having campers not wanting to go home as a result.